We made it to Christmas! What a year! This will be our last blog of 2020 but do not worry! We will be back in the New year bringing you lots of awesome content on all social media platforms. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our lovely customers because without you, we would not be where we are at today. Thank you for all the support you have shown us throughout the years! As this is our last blog of the year, we wanted to make it extra special by telling you all about the highlights of the year and what we have planned for next year. Things that Zimpli kids have done in 2020 In 2020 the team have been working hard to create a fully eco-friendly range. As Gelli and Slime are already certified biodegradable we said goodbye to plastic packaging and switched to paper and board. One small little step can help the environment massively. Zimpli kids have also released a new Baff Bombz range, the Rainbow and Rocket Baff Bombz! They were proven to be very popular and sold out in a matter of weeks! WOW! Giving 100% of the net profits from the rainbow Baff Bombz to NHS Charities together. This year Zimpli kids also helped with the manufacturing and supply of PPE including alcohol hand sanitisers, Facemasks, visors, and gloves to help out with demand during the pandemic. All in all, it’s been quite a busy year for Zimpli kids and are excited for what the new year brings! What we have in store for 2021 Zimpli kids HQ have been very busy discussing and planning 2021’s new products. You saw it here first folks! Here are a few of our new products we are currently working on which are set to release in 2021! Keep an eye out for all updates, you do not want to miss out!
Moon and Star Baff Bombz Since our Rainbow and Rocket baff bombz have done so well this year, we have decided expand the range further with Moon and Star Baff Bombz! Keep your eyes out for even more in the future.
New Year’s resolutions!
We asked the marketing team to tell us what their new year’s resolutions are when they return to work in the new year. Here were their answers. Niamh- “To be healthier (mind and body) and also I want to see and do more things.” Oliver- “Don’t take things for granted” Elizabeth- “Stop stressing about life so much. Live in the here and now and enjoy it.” Jess- “Don’t be fat” ZIMPLI KIDS NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS TO KEEP CREATING INNOTIVE CREATIVE TOYS AND KEEP CHILDREN SMILING! We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! We are looking forward to a fresh new year and speaking to you all again. Let us hope 2021 is a better year for all of us! Don’t forget to check out our products on Amazon with lots of fantastic deals!
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Zimpli KidsBlog posts from the creators of the viral sensations; Gelli Baff and Slime Baff! Archives
September 2021
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